诗不意悲, 妮不属弱

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Location: KLANG, Malaysia

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Temper ranking

呢個星座ge女子出名火氣過人, 而且天生正義感強過人, 一見到有人或有野睇唔順眼 ,要佢忍? 唔係佢本性, 而且膽大包天, 對權力唔會屈服, 就算老師校長都唔會嚇得佢"疾", 係天生惡女~!

同人馬女不分上下, 但比起上來較有分寸, 係到俾人連迫幾次至會一次過片死人o個種, so, 如果想長命百歲, 千祈咪嘗試挑戰佢ge容忍程度ar~!

雖然比上兩個好dd, 不過話明係獅子,最憎人挑戰佢ge權威同聲望, 一掂中佢要害, 就算你自問係馴獸師, 都係收聲醒d~!.

佢平日好好相處, 而且都幾溫柔開朗, 之不過憫起上來,就算阿爸,阿媽,男友咩都好, 仲知近佢者死! --中曬佢ge火藥彈即時投降!

佢ge火一係唔發, 一發起上o黎, 天主都help你唔到~~~~而且佢記性好,會記住你幾時對佢唔住, 之後, 你想有好日子過, 唔係唔得, 難d lor~!

唉~點say好呢~~佢出名情緒化, 無咩人知佢幾時發瘋, 只知佢係月圓之夜心情係最好ge~而初一無月亮ge日子係危險期間
佢係個好易發脾氣ge人, 因為耐性唔好, 最怕人講野唔清唔楚, so, 一對住呢d人, 會完全無耐性, 溫柔不再!

除非有個火性火星座la, 否則金牛女發惡ge次數唔多, 但一發就o黎獲好甘ge; 見勢色唔對就好掉頭走la~!

佢真係好少可發作, 而且就算發作, 都無咩殺傷力, 可以話, 惡起來似小貓咁, 無人會驚~!

除非有個水性ge金星星座la, 否則山羊女ge耐性都係驚人ge, 而且好要face, 唔會動粗, 但會諗計搞掂煩佢ge人~~!

假如佢係火性金星ge話就會惡d, 唔係ge話, 要處女惡, 簡直係天方夜譚, 因為佢根本唔識咩叫惡!

雖然有時情緒會穩定, 不過佢唔開心都唔係找人出氣o個種人, 而且天生溫純, 最好都係自己嬲自己, 好cute!!

(p/s: why im always at the end? am i really too 'tame'?)

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Monday, March 05, 2007

Bzitrak Annual Dinner 2007

First of all, I would like to give thousand love to my darling, coz bring me there and wait right there for me up to few hours.
The dinner ended earlier than the proposed plan.
I start to call darling when i was waiting for a lift till i reached lobby.
I cant reach darling even called him for few times.
I was worried that something might happen to him...I keep on praying in my heart to ensure he is safe(i really think too much o, lol). I'm waiting for him in front of lift,and hope that he might use lift to go to lobby and find me there.
But my colleague ask me not to wait in front of the lift as there might have pervert guys. Need to be cautious to those bad intention guys that might dragged me to somewhere and ....(when i get anxious, i really cant think rationally.)
He advised me to wait for darling at lobby.
I would like to take this chance to thanks to my colleague as he gave such a good advice.
I sit on the chair at lobby there with messy mind. keep my eyes around and finally i saw my darling sitting at another side corner.
For that few seconds, i really cant say out any words.
After darling talk something, now only i able to answer him.
All the questions that i want to ask him on how he spent his time also forgotten already.
I'm such a silly gal!
sigh, if only the first pic is clear.
second and third are my favorite pics start from this year.
